On Plants and Planets

27. Mai 2023

Emanuele Coccia in conversation with Alfredo Thiermann, Sara Alberani

and Annika Handerson

Villa Massimo - Studio 8

Architect Alfredo Thiermann will present his work collaboratively done at Villa Massimo with Michelle Gravel and Johanna Unzueta. Reutilising materials and knowledge of previous works, Alfredo concentrated his time in Rome on studying, sceding and growing plants in his studio to later weave them in dialogue with Rome's ecosystem.

Dupper - Schneller

Bettina Allamoda

Norbert Sachs

Esther Preußler

Eike König

Gabriele Basch

Matthias Weischer

Clemens von Wedemeyer

Matthias von Ballestrem

Christoph Keller